
This page serves as a hub for the tools, equipment, and other things that the Friends of Decay recommend to intrepid souls who desire to explore themes of abandonment, decay, and desolation near and far. It will be updated irregularly, so check back here from time to time if it's been a while since your last visit to the Friends' corner of the Internet.

Goals & Philosophy

First of all, why do you want to go exploring and document your travels and finds with a camera? Your personal motivations don't need to align with those of the Friends of Decay, but they will inform what you bring and why—and a healthy, realistic attitude can be just as important as a tourniquet under the right conditions.

Exploration of abandoned places (in particular those that are structurally unsound) is an adventurous endeavor. There are undeniable risks in this activity, which can range from inhaling asbestos, to falling through a broken floor and breaking a limb, to encountering hostile wildlife, to being threatened at gunpoint by a stranger who chanced upon you while you were exploring. You need to be aware of and prepared for those risks.

That said, this is not an adversarial or militant activity. The Friends of Decay do not advise bringing firearms or any other weapons on what is supposed to be a photography expedition, and strongly recommend cooperating with any law enforcement whom you encounter.


Now that you have been informed of some risks associated with this activity, it needs must be stated that the Friends of Decay are not responsible for anything that happens to you. You go exploring at your own risk!

Cameras & Camera Equipment

The camera you have access to now is better than one you don't have but wish you did. We are not elitists and wholeheartedly support you using your phone to take photos! However, since a lot of exploration involves climbing and uneven terrain, if you choose to use your phone then we recommend a carrying strap and a sturdy case to protect it from accidental breakage.

For those who are curious about our cameras, however… Solace exclusively uses a Nikon D70, and Lux uses a Canon EOS 630 and a Kodak Ektar H35. We also recommend bringing along a folding tripod for your camera and/or phone.

Photo Editing

The Friends of Decay are anti-Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom due to Adobe's exorbitant subscription model. Our members prefer to use alternative means of photo editing, among them Affinity Photo (one-time software purchase) and Photopea (free-to-use and browser-based).


What follows is a non-exhaustive list of recommended items that the Friends of Decay think are generally useful to bring with you on a photography expedition to a site. This list does not include first aid supplies; for a list of first aid supplies, please consult the next section.

Weather-Specific Kit

General Kit

First Aid Supplies & Resources

There is no point in buying an expensive first aid kit and/or assembling a vast collection of medical supplies if you have no idea how to use what you have amassed. The Friends recommend taking at least one in-person first aid class before heading out into the unknown, that way you can be prepared for the worst. The American Red Cross offers a variety of first aid classes to anyone who wants to become more knowledgeable about medical preparedness. If you aren't located in the USA, consider checking out classes for trainee first responders and natural disaster relief organizations.

(Supplies list is TBD—check back later).

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